Snapchat has announced a number of new features to commemorate the 2024 Olympics, including AR lenses, official highlights, filters, and more.

Snap is making an extra effort this time to help fans connect with the Games, which might help it drive more interaction throughout the event.

First and foremost, Snapchat has included a variety of AR Lenses, including many produced in collaboration with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to highlight the spirit of the Games.

Snapchat announced the 2024 Olympics.

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“A variety of experiences enabled by Snap’s AR Camera Kit technology are available on both the official app for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and on Snapchat. The IOC has established a series of AR Lenses to serve fans at home and around the world, incorporating Olympic data streams, IOC archival pictures, and more to guarantee everyone feels connected to the Games.”

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So Snap’s collaboration with the IOC goes beyond Snap itself, with the official Olympics app tying back to Snap’s AR experiences. This is significant, and given that 180 million Snapchat users engage with sports content on the app each month, it might help the Olympics connect with younger viewers while also providing more immersive digital experiences.

The IOC has also included scannable AR elements in official posters and promotional materials for the Games that, when scanned in the app, activate a Snapchat Lens.

Bitmojis are also making an appearance, with Snap collaborating with NBCUniversal to include Team USA athlete Bitmojis into an Opening Ceremony in-app experience.

Bitmojis may eventually prove to be a valuable link for the metaverse transition, as more individuals become acclimated to engaging through these digital renderings. As a result, it makes sense for Snap to emphasize Bitmoji characters as an additional way to boost Olympic participation.

Snapchat also has an IRL activation during the Games, collaborating with Coca-Cola on the first AR vending machine.

“Found in the athletes’ village and Coca-Cola’s international Food Fest, the machine is powered by a custom Snapchat AR mirror and provides photo ops, games, and prizes, as well as Coca-Cola’s beloved refreshments.”

I’m not sure how this works, but if athletes submit images from the Village using Snap’s tools, it may be a significant promotional tool for the app.

Snap is also hosting a variety of highlights and official Games video through agreements with NBCUniversal and WBD, and it has added a selection of themed stickers to its Olympic offerings.

As previously said, many Snapchat users are Games aficionados, and Snap has definitely established that the event will generate a lot of attention on the platform. This is one of the reasons why it is expanding its experiences and interactive chances, which could be a fantastic method to increase engagement and attract more people to Snap.
