A guy has spoken out about how a 3D-printed robotic hand has transformed his life.

Mo Ali, 40, had four of his fingers amputated as a result of a childhood cooking mishap in which his hand became jammed in a meat grinder.

Mo, a keen cyclist, was bullied as well as faced physical challenges following his amputation.

Mo’s lack of dexterity as a result of the accident hampered several facets of his life, including cycling.

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However, Mo has now received a high-tech prosthetic hand, which has allowed him to regain significant dexterity.

The robotic hand is known as the ‘Hero Gauntlet’ and was created as a prosthesis for persons who have had part of their hand severed.

It was created by UK business Open Bionics and allows Mo to regain most of the dexterity he lost in the injury.

This has made it easier for him to dress himself using the device.

Of course, this implies he can resume his cycling.

The device has also given Mo a huge boost in confidence.

He stated, “I adore bikes, cycling, and anything related to them.

“In the past, I used to use a bike glove, stuff it with tissue and grip it around the handlebars so I could have better control of steering.”

Mo stated that he had also received a prosthetic from the NHS, but it had not worked for him since it was painful and heavy.

“It was operated by my shoulder to open and close,” that’s what he said. “It was heavy, unpleasant, and got in the way. I quit using it after one day.”

He went on to explain how the device has been a huge assistance to him since he began using it.

Mo chimed in: “With the Hero Gauntlet, once I have a grip on something I know it’s not going anywhere.”

Mo went on to claim that it helped him gain the confidence to quit disguising his impairment.

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He admitted to masking his impairment as a coping strategy. Now, I can stroll down the street without feeling the need to hide.”

Samantha Payne, co-founder of Open Bionics, stated, “We’ve received numerous requests to design and develop a functional partial hand prosthesis for all-day wear.”

“It’s pure joy to see this piece of engineering have a positive physical and emotional impact on Mo’s life.”
