November 14, 2005, was the official launch date of Google Analytics. The most popular web analytics solution available online as of 2019 is Google Analytics.

This notice may have appeared in your Analytics account: “Starting on July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics will no longer handle new data in standard properties. Get ready right away by converting to and configuring a Google Analytics 4 property.

Initially, the measurements function differently despite being the same. For an exceptionally good post, our key statistic, bounce rate, went from the mid-60s to the mid-30s.

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That is, to put it mildly, implausible. It took some research to discover that metrics are defined differently in UA and GA4 to better accommodate for certain use cases.

The inability to compare GA4 and UA data due to these variations is an added nuisance.

Furthermore, it is inconvenient to go deeply into each particular performance of an article. Why can’t I click on the table items anymore? The next step is to deselect any other results from the graph and search for the page. Thus, while there is a cumbersome workaround, it is scarcely necessary. Usability shouldn’t regress.

Lastly, there is no discernible explanation for the thresholding of our data. Google’s term for withholding some data if the numbers are deemed too low to protect user privacy is called thresholding.

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The data lacks information that would allow us to even make educated guesses about the identities of our visitors. We browse over 100,000 times a month on one site, therefore it is almost absurd to limit our browser history.

Distinctions between GA4 and Google Universal Analytics (UA).

Various measurement models

The measurement model is where UA and GA4 diverge the most. Whereas GA4 bases its model on events and parameters, UA bases its model on pageviews and sessions.

This indicates that all UA hit kinds correspond to GA4 events.

GA4 events are divided into four categories.

occurrences that are automatically gathered, such as page views, first visits, and session starts

Enhanced Measurement events: scrolls, clicks outside of the page, site searches, and video interaction

Google suggests events for eCommerce users based on their industry

Events that you may customize and set up

Moreover, GA4 combines all the information linked to a single user ID to generate a single user journey. This approach has the advantage of allowing you to monitor a specific user’s actual interactions with your website.

All things considered, there are numerous reasons why organic, SEO-focused content is changing. One is Janky Analytics. AI is another, and it’s already a paradigm changer. However, that’s a conversation for later!
